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Bem-vindo à Companhia Oriental Portugueza

Welcome to the Portuguese East Indies Company

Six generations serving Portugal in Asia

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Serviços da Companhia Oriental Portugueza | Portuguese East Indies Company Services

A Companhia Oriental Portugueza actua em três pilares essenciais nas operações internacionais:

  • Relações Públicas, Assessoria de Comunicação, Tradução-Interpretação, Campanhas Internacionais, Gestão de Mecenato e de Patrocínios, Gestão de Publicidade, Marketing Internacional e Eventos (conferências, seminários, exposições e feiras internacionais)

  • Comércio Internacional, Atracção de Investimento Directo Estrangeiro, Internacionalização Empresarial, Turismo e Hotelaria

  • Serviço de Operações Estratégicas, Segurança das Operacões Empresariais (Due Diligence), Serviço de Apoio às Indústrias de Segurança e Defesa, Logística e Gestão de Crises

Diverse Team of Government Intelligence

PR, Media Advisory, International Campaigns & MICE events


International Trading, Foreign Direct Investment Scouting & Internationalization

Worldwide Presence

Strategic Operations Executive Services, Logistics & Crisis Management

Grow Your Business in Security

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Mecenato da Companhia Oriental Portugueza | Portuguese East Indies Company High Patronage

À Corda Cello Sessions Direcção Musical e Mecenato

À Corda Cello Sessions Direcção Musical e Mecenato

Direcção Musical e Coordenação de Tiago Anjinho

À Corda Cello Sessions Direcção Musical e Mecenato

À Corda Cello Sessions Direcção Musical e Mecenato

Direcção Musical e Coordenação de Tiago Anjinho

À Corda Cello Sessions - Programa Dia 4 de Setembro

À Corda Cello Sessions - Programa Dia 4 de Setembro

Direcção Musical e Coordenação de Tiago Anjinho

À Corda Cello Sessions - Programa Dia 5 de Setembro

À Corda Cello Sessions - Programa Dia 5 de Setembro

Direcção Musical e Coordenação de Tiago Anjinho

À Corda Cello Sessions - Programa Dia 4 de Setembro

À Corda Cello Sessions - Programa Dia 4 de Setembro

Direcção Musical e Coordenação de Tiago Anjinho

A Companhia Oriental Portugueza | Portuguese East Indies Company tem o compromisso patriótico de apoiar as artes e o desenvolvimento artístico em Portugal e junto das Comunidades Portuguesas no esforço de expansão cultural portuguesa no mundo, nomeadamente no Oriente.
A educação musical de todo um Povo sobretudo baseada na erudição, tradição e beleza é uma condição fundamental para encantar a alma e fazê-la elevar acima da sua condição.

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The Portuguese East Indies Company Humanitarian Aid Campaigns

Campanhas de Apoio Humanitário

Companhia Oriental Portugueza | Portuguese East Indies Company is specialized in humanitarian aid reliefs campaigns with meaninful success and job done with international partners and communities.
We are ready to be deployed anywhere, anytime and in any circumstances following the best Portuguese traditions.

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Junta de Freguesia do Areeiro Campaign

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with the Junta de Freguesia of Areeiro, in Lisbon, is launching a campaign of public donation of Personal Protection equipments (PPE's) to combat the COVID-19.

The list of the in need equipments will be available soon.

Person in charge:

Dr. Fernando Braancamp

Presidente da Junta de Freguesia do Areeiro, Lisboa, Portugal

Hospital São João Campaign

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with the São João Hospital in Porto is launching a campaign of public donation for the urgent need of a type C Ambulance for the transport of COVID-19 patients.
The official contact person of the campaign is the President of the Administration Board of the São João Hospital, Doctor Fernando Araújo, PhD.
Please click the button for the technical sheet.

Centro de Saúde de Alvalade Campaign

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with a group of doctors of the Centro de Saúde de Alvalade in Lisbon is launching a campaign of public donation of Type II surgical masks, 3 plys and FFP2/N95 or FFP3/N99 respirator masks to face the COVID-19 threat.

Person in charge and shipping address:

Doctor Mariana Freire

Centro de Saúde de Alvalade

Pavilhão 33 - Parque de Saúde de Lisboa. Av. do Brasil, 53
1749-080 Lisboa
, Portugal

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Junta de Freguesia de Espinho Campaign

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with the Junta de Freguesia of Espinho, in Lisbon, is launching a campaign of public donation of Personal Protection equipments (PPE's) to combat the COVID-19.

Person in charge:

Dr. Vasco Alves Ribeiro

Presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Espinho, Espinho, Portugal

Liga dos Combatentes Campaign

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster supports the Liga dos Combatentes (National ex-Servicemen Association), and is launching a campaign of public donation of Personal Protection equipments (PPE's) to combat the COVID-19 to directly supply to Liga dos Combatentes.

Please ship to:

Liga dos Combatentes

Rua João Pereira da Rosa, 18
1249-032 Lisboa, Portugal

Polícia de Segurança Pública (Campo Grande) Campaign

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster supports the Portuguese Police Force (PSP), and is launching a campaign of public donation of Personal Protection equipments (PPE's) to combat the COVID-19 to directly supply to 2.ª Divisão Policial, 18.ª Esquadra Campo Grande.

Please ship to:

Senhor Sub Intendente Pedro Fortes

Rua Afonso Lopes Vieira, n.º 2- A, 1700-012 Lisboa, Portugal

Home: Projects

The Portuguese East Indies Company Humanitarian Aid Campaigns

Campanhas de Apoio Humanitário - Apelo de Acção Directa

Home: Projects

The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with a group of doctors of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Cova da Beira in Covilhã is launching a campaign of public donation of Type II surgical masks, 3 plys and FFP2/N95 or FFP3/N99 respirator masks to face the COVID-19 threat.

Person in charge and shipping address:

Dra. Ana Pedro Cunha Craveiro


Centro Hospitalar Universitário Cova da Beira, 3.piso, Pneumologia Quinta do Alvito, 6200-251 Covilhã,



The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with Real Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Lisboa, in Lisbon, is launching a campaign of public donation of Type II surgical masks, 3 plys and FFP2/N95 or FFP3/N99 respirator masks, NBQ masks with filter, goggles, nitrile gloves shorts and long, boots covers and coveralls to face the COVID-19 threat.

Person in charge and shipping address:

Comandante Paulo Vitorino

Bombeiros Voluntários de Lisboa, Quartel do Chiado, Rua das Flores, 95, 1200-196 Lisboa, Portugal


The Portuguese East Indies Company with the companies cluster in partnership with a group of doctors of the Santa Maria Hospital in Lisbon is launching a campaign of public donation of Type II surgical masks, 3 plys and FFP2/N95 or FFP3/N99 respirator masks to face the COVID-19 threat.

Mission accomplished


In this section you can follow all of the Portuguese East Indies Company latest and most updated news and interventions

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35.º Episódio | 31 de Março | 22h.

Convidado: Vitório Cardoso, presidente da Companhia Oriental Portugueza.
Sinopse: A importância de Portugal e a sua imagem e reputação no Mundo, a percepção interna e externa do país, na perspectiva da Esfera Lusófona e do Mundo e os novos desafios de Portugal e da “Marca Portugal”.



Contact Us


PEPA – Parque Empresarial de Proença-a-Nova, Edifício Incubadora de Empresas, 6150-579 Proença-a-Nova, Portugal


Avenida Comercial de Macau, AIA Tower, 251 A-301, 20th Floor, Macau Special Administrative Region of People's Republic of China

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©2020 by Companhia Oriental Portugueza | Portuguese East Indies Company

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